Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Book review, more Bella-isms

So, I loved Twilight. I think I've posted about this before. :) While I don't claim that the series is a difficult or challenging read, I do love to read about Edward and Bella, and all my other favorite vamps. They are addicting! I had really no intentions of reading The Host (also by Stephenie Meyer, for those of you who may not be Twilight freaks). HOWEVER, I had heard it was okay, and someone was nice enough to loan it to me, so I figured I'd give it a try. It was great! Still not a challenging read, and only a bit more grown-up than Twilight, but it was really good. I am very much NOT a sci-fi person, but I loved this alien-in-a-human-body piece. When I read a book, I am most interested in the characters, and SM is very thorough with her characterizations (um, Midnight Sun)! Although her characters were not new or novel, the way she writes them makes them feel like friends. I found this one layered in ways that Twilight wasn't, as well. I would describe what I mean by that, but I have a boy who is ready to get out of the tub, and one who is DONE with his nap. (I wrote the portion below first).

I also recently read Interview With The Vampire, by Anne Rice, because I couldn't get enough of vampires, but didn't want to read any of the SM knock-offs that seem to abound lately. Anyway, Interview disappointed me just a bit. The beginning was captivating, the middle was slow, and the end was abrupt. The reviews said something about it being sensual and maybe fascinating or something. Well, sensual is certainly right, but in a slightly disturbing way. Although, I admit it could have been much worse (after all, the book is 30-some-odd years old, imagine what an author could have gotten away with in today's media)! It seemed that Rice also wove some of her own personal turmoil about God, mortality, and the nature of good and evil into the storyline. That part was semi-interesting, but I guess I feel that I have a pretty good handle on those things, and that the character was immature in his centuries-long search for answers. Anyway....

Oh yeah, Bella. Here is a conversation that took place earlier today:
Bella: …said through many tears and sobs, “Why is everyone trying to challenge me today?”
Me: “Being challenged is one of the best parts of life, my love.”
Bella: “No it’s not! The best part is eating treats and talking, and living, and having fun while you can!”


idahohubers said...

Bella's words just made my day! That girl is so special. You are making me want to read more it's been a while since I picked up a good book -unless blogs count :)

Michelle said...

I've all read those books as well and quite enjoyed them. I also read recently a couple of the Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites books and. . . I may have to read some more. They were pretty good, however predictable they may be. I love reading what your children say to you. You've got some smart children there!