Thursday, September 11, 2008

Blog, blog, blog (read: blah, blah, blah...)

I am such a bad blogger. Either my life is exceptionally boring, or I just don't think anyone would be interested in what I have to say. Oh well. Actually, I think that, more often than not, I just don't feel like sharing what I am really thinking. Again...oh well.

So, yesterday, I took all of my files from my old computer, dumped all of the useless stuff, and put all the rest onto my new computer. My new, wonderful, fast, reliable, happiness in a machine (if your mind went where mine did with that last description - get it out of the gutter!) computer!!! So, as I was completing this task, I thought, hmm, I should probably print all of these digital pictures I have saved up over the past, oh, several years. Uh-huh. Jaw drops. I have roughly 1,500 pictures to print. Hee, hee, hee. The laughter comes from picturing the hundreds of dollars I will have to spend if I really want to print them and then do something with them. I am not a scrapbooker, so I suppose it could be worse. And who said digital photography was so great?

Here are a couple of pictures of the kids doing their "homework." Funny, though, Emma (laying on the floor watching TV) is the only one who has actual homework. So cute.


idahohubers said...

I hear you on the blogging ... Sometimes I can think of a lot to say and other times not so much. Cool about the new computer! I feel your pain about digital pictures. I haven't printed family photos for at least 3 years. Ouch! I back most of them up on smugmug though and organize them into galleries. At least that way I have a back up and an easy way to order prints (my sister orders pictures of my kids too). I HATE, really hate, usuing those machines and the labs always seem to mess up my photos. So for now my pictures are safe and sound, somewhat organized and ready to print. I've also learned to only print the best dozen or so pictures of a family event and not the 100 that I actually take!

Anonymous said...

I regret, that I can not participate in discussion now. It is not enough information. But this theme me very much interests.