More specifically, spiritual knowledge. Knowledge of our divine purpose and worth. Here's the explanation: Bella was having a rough little moment this afternoon. She was wearing a pair of Kole's little pants around as shorts (she was so cute!), and I was lovingly teasing her about being so skinny. She took it wrong, and that sent her into this moment of comparing herself to her sister and feeling bad about her body. I made the mistake then of telling her that she was just absolutely beautiful and perfect. Well, she didn't take that well. So I revamped and said something about how nobody on this earth is perfect and that that's why we're here. We're here to be challenged and learn lessons, etc. We discussed how the Lord created each of us unique, and that no two people on this earth are exactly the same, even twins. Now, we've talked before about our bodies being gifts, and the body is a temple, etc. But, here came this moment of inspiration. I said to her: "Bella, your body is a gift, but it also has a special job. It's a home for your little spirit that lives inside. (Her eyes lit up at that point). Our Father in Heaven did not give us our bodies to look pretty or to be just like someone else's. He gave us our bodies to house our spirits, to move and play and run and jump." We went on to talk about how well her body accomplishes these tasks, and that it really does work quite well for her. There were tears in my eyes at this point, because I was so thankful for the comfort I was able to give my daughter, and for the peace that this conversation brought me, a reminder to myself of all those things. (With more than a few extra pounds the last two babies have left me with, sometimes it's easy to not appreciate my own body for it's true worth and purpose). I am thankful for my body, and more importantly, thankful that I am a daughter of God, and for the peace that knowledge brings me. I am thankful that I can help to instill that same peaceful knowledge in my two beautiful daughters.
2 ~ Fun and Functional Clothes
I know, frivolous, right. But clothes are somewhat of a hobby for me, and I actually think they are a way of expressing one's individuality. It probably comes from wearing a uniform to school almost my whole life. Anyway, this week, 3 lovely little pieces have come into my life. First, this cutie pie was gifted to me by a dear friend:
Of course, many of you know the talented Tanya, but for those who don't, see her homemade bags and aprons at Luscious Lemon on Etsy. I love to cook, and the pattern reminds me of a dress I had when I was somewhere near 4 years old. Every time I wear it (which has been and will be often), I feel happy, sort of Donna Reed-ish, and will think of this lovely friend. By the way, Donna Reed is my way of describing that happy, content, accomplished homemaker feeling I get when I feel like I've done a good job at some domestic duty. :)
Next, (the same day!), this tankini and board short arrived in the mail (because I paid way too much to have it shipped overnight from Athleta).
We've been going boating with my aunt and uncle at Blacktail lately, and I decided I needed a swimsuit that wouldn't fall off of me in the water, and would look cute, age-appropriate, modest, and flattering (I know, swimwear does not perform miracles). It would also need to hold "the girls" in place. Imagine my delight when this arrived on Monday, not 15 minutes before we were to leave for another afternoon on the lake. And then to have it fit right and meet my criteria! Bonus, the top was on sale, and both pieces are of excellent quality! I will never buy another swimsuit anywhere else. Athleta rocks!