Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Grease - one of my all-time favorite movies - was on ABC Family the other day. (Don't get me started on the list of very inappropriate movies/TV shows they play on ABC Family). Anyway, the girls recorded it to the DVR, and we have been watching it constantly. We sing all the songs, and even do some of the dance moves, like the HAND JIVE! The girls' favorite song is Stranded at the Drive In. Not sure if that's the official name of the song, but you get the idea. It's the one that Danny sings after he gets fresh with Sandy, and she stomps off saying, "You think I'm going to stay here with you in this, this SIN WAGON?!" It's so hilarious, all of them can sing the song perfectly, even Jagger. I love the way he says "Whyeeeyyyy oh why..." And then Bella, quoting Danny as he sulks on the swing, "Sandy, my darlin', you hurt me real bad." Verbatim. I kid you not. I was ROLLING the first time I heard her say that!

Jagger loves Sandy. He points her out in the movie and starts talking about her anytime he hears the music or one of the girls sings the songs, etc. The funny thing is, I have an Aunt Sandy who totally loves and dotes on my kids. Jagger LOVES her. I think he thinks Olivia Newton-John is his Aunt Sandy!
By the way, has anyone ever noticed that Grease is a DIRTY movie? I have been keeping track of the not-so-subtle inuendos (that I never picked up on before). My favorite one is when Rizzo says to Kenickie, "What's up, Kenick?" and he replies (with his best come hither look), "One guess." Hah!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Old friends and new

I am soooo happy! Thanks to Facebook, I am back in touch with one of my dear old friends from high school/college days. And, lucky for me, she happened to be in town this weekend with her little boy. What a treat - it's so great to catch up on the past 6 years, reminisce about crazy times past, and still have lots in common today. Friends like this make me feel young again!
Jagger was in a bit of a mood today, but the one of him and my friend's little boy in the hoola-hoop was a brief reprieve from the grouching. They are really close in age, and now have no choice but to be great friends!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Words of Wisdom

I just couldn't resist posting one more quote - my kids keep saying funny things today! This one's from Emma:

"I hope I don't grow up to be one of those people who knows almost EVERYTHING... (long thoughtful pause). But I know I will."

Me, (now amused and curious): "Why?"

Emma: "Because I already know math, and geography... and reading."

Out of the mouths of babes

From the 4-year old little sweetie that I babysit: "When you get married, you have to KISS a BOY on the MOUTH, so I'm not gonna do THAT!"

Jagger: "Miss... my daddy. Bella miss... my daddy. Mommy miss... my daddy." Pretty insightful for a 2 year old, huh?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I have come to a realization

I am a good mom. In fact, 99% of the moms I know are good moms. Our kids are happy and well taken care of. It doesn't matter if we are more or less strict, more or less messy or clean, have our kids in a million activities or none. What matters is that we give our kids the individual love and attention that they need, and that we teach them the core values they will need to become happy, healthy, well-adjusted, productive adults. What always sinks my ship is that I second guess myself. For example, so-and-so has her kids in dance and sports, maybe I should do that, too. Or, so-and-so's kids are better at doing their chores than mine - maybe I should try her system. NO MORE SHOULD! I don't know why or when I started doing this to myself. When my girls were little, I thought I was the best mom I knew. Seriously, I was a bit of a snob about it. (If you knew me back then, you are probably nodding your head and laughing an evil laugh right now). Somewhere along the line I got caught up in the SHOULD. Well, no more! From now on, I'm going to do what I know is right for my kids, my family, and I would challenge anyone reading this to do the same. Hopefully you already are. If you're reading this, and you're a mom, know that I think you are FABULOUS!

On a cute side note, I have my little niece and nephew over today. When my sister-in-law dropped them off, she told me what my nephew had said on the way over: "I like going to Aunt Andi's house. It comes with Jagger."

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Mama Mia! (Mothers and Daughters)

I had heard so many great things about the movie Mama Mia!, that I decided to give it a try. Okay, about 30 seconds in and I was in love. Can you be in love with a movie? (My 9-year old self would answer yes to that question, upon seeing Tom Cruise for the first time in Top Gun). Anyway, back to Mama Mia! I love everything about this movie. The music, the island (I can FEEL the warmth of the rocks and the water), the clothes, the friends, the dancing. This movie reminds me of who I used to be. Partly because my favorite place to be in all the world is somewhere with warm sand and warm water; and partly because it feels so carefree and fun. I used to be carefree and fun. I miss that girl. I know, everyone grows up, but somewhere in the process I have become a worrier. I think way too much about EVERYTHING. It is exhausting. I'm tired of worrying and thinking. Here's to letting it be.

I have been thinking a lot lately about my girls. (See, always with the THINKING). I enjoyed watching the dynamics of the relationship between Donna and Sophie. I loved that they could see and appreciate their differnces, and I loved the bits of raw honesty that passed between them. I'm not sure I have that raw honesty with my mom. Actually, I'm sure that I don't, but I suppose that is another story for another time. It got me thinking about mothers and daughters in general. It's a daunting task ahead of me, raising TWO daughters. Instilling in them values that will carry them through their lives to come - virtue, strength, self-assurance, confidence in who they are, knowledge that they are daughters of God, an awareness that they are one beautiful, special part of a whole (a collective sisterhood, the human family). I know I'm rambling, but I think it's that last part that gets me. I don't think that boys need to feel as SPECIAL as girls do, as if they are the only person in the universe like them, and that there is something wonderful in that. Maybe it's as simple as my girls are having a hard time SHARING lately, or that I was the only girl in my family, so I get the feeling special thing. They are just constantly in competition for my attention, with one or the other feeling jilted ("You love Emma moooore than meeee!") I want so badly to give my girls a sense of BALANCE, teach them to give and receive love and attention equally, and to feel secure, even as the attention ebbs and flows. Maybe I just need to teach them not to THINK as much as I do. Whew, now I'm tired.

(By the way, did anyone else think the flower penis was HILARIOUS)!?