Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I have come to a realization

I am a good mom. In fact, 99% of the moms I know are good moms. Our kids are happy and well taken care of. It doesn't matter if we are more or less strict, more or less messy or clean, have our kids in a million activities or none. What matters is that we give our kids the individual love and attention that they need, and that we teach them the core values they will need to become happy, healthy, well-adjusted, productive adults. What always sinks my ship is that I second guess myself. For example, so-and-so has her kids in dance and sports, maybe I should do that, too. Or, so-and-so's kids are better at doing their chores than mine - maybe I should try her system. NO MORE SHOULD! I don't know why or when I started doing this to myself. When my girls were little, I thought I was the best mom I knew. Seriously, I was a bit of a snob about it. (If you knew me back then, you are probably nodding your head and laughing an evil laugh right now). Somewhere along the line I got caught up in the SHOULD. Well, no more! From now on, I'm going to do what I know is right for my kids, my family, and I would challenge anyone reading this to do the same. Hopefully you already are. If you're reading this, and you're a mom, know that I think you are FABULOUS!

On a cute side note, I have my little niece and nephew over today. When my sister-in-law dropped them off, she told me what my nephew had said on the way over: "I like going to Aunt Andi's house. It comes with Jagger."


Anonymous said...

I think your realization falls into the "easier said than done" category! At least that's the case with me. Always reminding myself that it's enough, we as Moms are enough- and more:) The fact these issues are on your mind tells me what I already knew- you are a fabulous Mom!

Cook Family said...

Your cute side note is darling about your house coming w/Jagger. He is such a sweet and cute little boy!!! I loved this post. Yes, what is best for each family differs! I am inspired now (by you) to make sure I do what is best for my family and not worry about what the neighbors are doing w/their kiddos. The thing for me is I know I need to pray deeply about what is best for each child because the truth is is that sometimes I just don't know.

Melissa said...

here, here!! I agree. I know that there was a time that I got really caught up in the 'should' and 'good Mom' does this or that. Now I don't worry about it and I try to follow the spirit. After all who knows my kids the best? Being a mom is much more fulfilling now and an enjoyable experience than it was before!

Anonymous said...

Um, some of us have known for a long time that you are a good mom, hence the sweet, smart, and happy kids running you crazy!