Monday, May 18, 2009

Welcome home, old friend

Isn't the weather just wonderful today? I feel settled today, as though all is right with the world. I feel not as though winter has been upon us and is now gone, but as though I've been somewhere else, and have now returned to summer, and it has welcomed me home with open, forgiving arms. I love summer, I love everything about summer. Especially the beginning of summer. From breakfasts enjoyed outside, to bare feet, to swimming and playing in the sprinklers. Newly awakened plants, fresh cut flowers, and of course, my new love, the GARDEN! From barbeques to sidewalk chalk, summer is where I belong. I feel so ME in the summertime. That's probably because I grew up in Southern California, where it is summer-like most of the time. It's funny, I have now lived nearly half my life in Idaho, but it still feels new in some ways. I wonder if I will still feel that way when I'm 80? I wonder if the place where you grow up has such a profound impact upon your life that it shapes your thinking and your attitudes forever?

Tiny disclaimer: I'm sure that three or four months' time will find me posting a similarly gushy ode to fall. I do love fall. I love it because it is a change. Summer is my love, fall is my crush.

1 comment:

idahohubers said...

This is such a lovely post. I'm glad you mentioned California. I feel the same way about Arizona. I agree that where we grow up has a big impact on us. Idaho weather continues to be a novelty to me after 5 years. I like CA too. I've only been there 3 or 4 times and I always want to go back! I'm thinking that Fall is my love and Spring is my crush :) Not so much a summer girl. Maybe that comes from living 8 months of every year in continual summer for 17 years!