Thursday, January 14, 2010

Resolutions (cringe)

I don't usually make New Year's Resolutions. I kind of feel like I hold myself to unreasonably high standards anyway, so a New Year's Resolution is just one more thing to pressure myself with. However, there are many areas of my life that are pretty messy as of late, so in an effort to tidy them up a bit, I have made just three little resolutions:

1. Exercise daily: not to lose weight specifically, but to feel good and be healthy and happy;
2. Serve dinner at 5:00 every night: so that my kiddos can have some down time and more family time after dinner/clean-up;
3. Be early for church: so that my kids and I can be settled and peaceful at the beginning, and so that I can fullfil my church responsibilities adequately.

Some other ideas floating around the back of my head in case I'm awesome and surpass these resolutions in a few months (ha!):

~ Build yoga into my daily routine: I love yoga, it is centering and peaceful. It makes me stand tall and feel beautiful.
~Become one of those people who is financially savvy: currently, not so much. I could write volumes on this topic, but will leave it at that.
~Choose wardrobe pieces wisely: things that are classic, beautiful, flattering, and me. I do okay with this, but I end up buying a few things each season that I don't need and never wear.
~Decorate my house: it's just never been a priority, and I'm not really sure what my home style is.
~Journal: despite several attempts, I have never been successful at keeping a journal. And this kind of blog really doesn't count. I always go back and forth between what I think a journal should be, an archive of family events or an honest account of emotional journeys. Probably two separate volumes would be required. Whew, that makes me tired just thinking about it.

P.S. I really love clothes (refer to future resolutions section above), but my style is pretty basic. I like classic pieces with simple details, nothing too trendy. So today, I picked up a Boden catalog that had been sitting on my counter for days. I have received this catalog before, but never even gave it a look. For Shame! So lovely! Here's just a sample of the awesomeness that is Boden:
I am saving my pennies and can't wait to indulge in a few choice pieces this spring!


Ashley said...

I get Boden magazine too and it is just too expensive for me. Such adorable clothes though. Maybe I'll splurge after I have the baby and lose some weight ;) I like your resolutions. I agree with you on the journal. I count this little blog as my journal but I never write down the hard, frustrating days I have {at least to the extent I want}. I think those days need written down too. Thanks for sharing. Sorry about the novel!

Cook Family said...

you are so awesome-i love everthing about you. my new years goals should look the same as yours. you are very inspiring, thanks for sharing.

Andi said...

Ashley - Don't think I can afford Boden, either! I am hoping resolution #1 and tax money will make the splurge justifiable! I also think the bad days need to be written down, too! I want my kids to know (very later on in life) that their mom struggled, too, and that it's okay to not be perfect!
Jo - You are the inspiring one - I am a better person for every day that I am blessed to be your friend!

idahohubers said...

I like your resolutions :) As for journals, I HAVE written the really good 'juicy, feeling, angst ridden' volumes in the past. I'm not sure if I want to burn them or save them! I haven't written in my 'real' journal for years sadly - but at least I have my blog and that is way better than nothing.