Monday, February 22, 2010

A Request

So...I just finished reading a very good and veeeeeery scary book. Although I am admittedly easily spooked (had to sleep with the TV on after watching I Am Legend and dreamed about man-eating vampire dogs for weeks), the book is described in this way, "...whole chapters suffused with a quiet, implacable dread." Yep, DREAD, my friends. I will probably have to sleep with the TV on again tonight. Oh, have I not mentioned the title yet? It is The Historian, by Elizabeth Kostova. A benign enough title, to be sure, but don't mistake a boring title for a boring book!
Anyway, here we come to the request portion of this post. Will somebody please, please, please read this book so I have someone to talk to about it?! If I talk about it, it will become less dreadfully scary. Plus, it is truly a really good, well-written book. Although at the moment, I'm wishing I hadn't read it. So, "real-life" friend, or online friend, would someone PLEASE read this book and talk to me about it?! Thanks.
P.S. This is one that I would GLADLY loan out, if you're brave enough to heed my request!


Melissa said...

bring it over! I'll read it. Oh, And I'm terrified of I AM LEGEND. I won't go in the garage alone. So your not alone.

Ashley said...

Sorry, I can't take you up on your request. I am a scaredy cat and I would probably have to sleep with my eyes open for years!

tanya said...

Just happened to visit the library yesterday and was curious so I checked it out. Looks thick and scary, we'll see how it goes!

Cook Family said...

can't help ya out but i sure do love ya!

Melissa said...

sorry It has taken me so long to get back to you. But I loved/hated the book. It was scary. I couldn't read it at night. But it was well written and I think the end may have fizzled out...or lead me on to believe that he's still floating around...hmmm not sure about that thought! :)