Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bella-isms, Donna Reed

When she was younger, Bella used to make up words, and use them in perfect context. I know, how does a made-up word have context? Well, all of hers did, and they were always big words. My favorite one was "dequintified," which I believe can be defined as somewhat of a cross between flabbergasted and frustrated. Now that she's so much older and more sophisticated, she doesn't make up words anymore, but she does like to use big words. And she always uses them correctly. Yesterday, something was certainly, and apparently, and evidently! She can also repeat infomercials with the exact right intonations, etc. "Mom, you need to get the (insert fabulous product here). It will make your life so much easier, for only 3 easy payments of $14.99." Always with a straight face she says this, and takes herself completely seriously. So, being completely used to the ways of my daughter, why was I so smitten with this conversation?
Bella: "Mom, why is it called Zucchini Bread?"
Me: "Because it has zucchini in it."
Bella, several minutes later: "They should just call it bread and be sneaky about the zucchini part......Because if someone has a bite of it and likes it and doesn't know it has zucchini in it, but they wouldn't like it if they knew it had zucchini.....(wanders off rambling about zucchini).
Hmmm, would that someone be you, Bella?

Lately I have been serving dinner at 2 or 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I decided to try this because, for several different reasons, it seemed like that time would work better for our family. It does and I love it! My meals are now on time, and much more fab than they were before. I feel like Donna Reed, so accomplished. So now it's 4:20, dinner is done, dishes are done, kitchen's clean, and the only thing I will have to deal with later is a light meal before bedtime. I'm sure in another week or so I will fall apart again, but at least today is a good day.


So, my newest hobby is buying music online. I am ADDICTED! It's soooo much cheaper to buy music online than in the stores. I think. I actually haven't compared lately, because that would require having the time to get out of the house and do something fun, just for me. My favorite is Barnes and Noble, because I have a membership, and with free shipping, I can get real CD's for almost as cheap as the downloads from iTunes. And I usually buy the whole album at once because I am just not creative enough to make my own awesome playlist. I have a love-hate relationship with iTunes. Love because they always have the new stuff, and most of the old stuff. Love because for the most part, they offer real reviews, not the lame, cliche snapshots you find elsewhere. Love because it's really easy to navigate, find what you're looking for. Hate because I do not have an iPod. Only because I would want the good one, with the touch screen, etc., not the Shuffle like Shawn and Em have. And the good one is just a wee bit beyond my price range. And by wee I mean several hundred dollars. Hate also because iTunes does not maintain an account database for you of all the music you have purchased. For example, a few months ago, my computer had some serious issues, and we had to completely wipe out the hard drive and reload all of the software. Upon reloading iTunes, my music was GONE! Now, of course I had backed everything up to CD's, but when you import homemade CD's into iTunes, the artist/song names do not appear. I have searched my iTunes account for a way to re-load all of my old music onto my "new" computer, but have completely failed. By the way, if anyone knows how to do this, or has a computer-geek for a husband (affectionately speaking), please help!
Yes, I have been buying music online just today! Two from Muse, and the new Blue October. Hope it's good! I was very tempted to get the Grease soundtrack, but someday when my kids understand what those lyrics mean, I want them to have forgotten that they could sing them verbatim when they were very young. :)

Friday, March 20, 2009


So.....feeling the need to verbally purge some of my frustration today. I am having one of THOSE weeks. Except that I've been having one of those weeks for a while now. I realized just now, while doing my dishes, while listening to Kole sqwawk, knowing that the girls are sitting there with him in the SAME ROOM and just totally ignoring him, that I had ONE good day this week. It was Tuesday. I am finding that there just aren't enough hours in the day, and not enough of ME to go around. Certainly feeling that I don't have room in my life for ME right now, and resenting that a bit. I was just telling my mom that, even as being a wife and mom soak up the better part of my energy right now, I still haven't lost myself. HAH! Don't proud words always come around to bite you in the behind? Part of my frustration can be attributed to the fact that I hold myself to certain standards, and when they don't get met, regularly, I kind of come apart. What I mean by regularly is that I think I am pretty go-with-the-flow when things in my home/personal life head south for a day or so, but I catch up. Lately, I am ALWAYS catching up. Doing laundry, dishes, etc., well into the wee hours. Crashing in bed without having time to relax, knowing in just a few hours it will start all over again. Living on diet coke. This is not okay. But is it something I have to just get used to? Isn't there some way to find balance without sacraficing time with our kids or order in our homes? How is this done?
Now, all you beautiful, wonderful ladies who read this - I know you have been here, too. And I am just beligerent enough to say this tonight, but I do NOT want to hear that this time will pass. I do NOT want to hear that kids are only young once, and that the dishes can wait until tomorrow. Because the fact is, the dishes can only wait until you want to eat again. What I want is a massage. And Happy Hour. And I'm not going to get either. So I'm just going to be grouchy.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I have decided: I HATE THE BACHELOR. Up until this season, I had serious doubts about whether one could really find love on TV. Jason Messnick changed my mind. Here was a DAD, someone who knew all that was at stake, and would never take something such as finding a future wife lightly. He was full of integrity, hope, and love for his son. I was SURE that, as things progressed with Melissa, she was the one! (I actually did a little cheer when he sent Molly on her way. Nothing against Molly.) THEN....After the final rose. Just kidding, Melissa, sorry, I meant MOLLY. Molly's really the one for me. I just don't think we're right for each other. WHAT!? I'm afraid I have to agree with Melissa on this one, Jason Messnick is a bastard.

So, here are several reasons why I think that the Bachelor is a flawed experiment (I'm being generous with flawed, I actually believe it is a failed experiment. Except for Trista and Ryan. 99% failed.)

1. The Bachelor/Bachelorette always looks for the contestants to be real, to let their guard down and express their true feelings. I'm sorry, but I call BS on this one. They don't really want the date to be real, because the minute something real happens, they send 'em home. I think they want people to be on their best behavior, they want the fairy tale. REAL LIFE IS NOT A FAIRY TALE, JASON. OF COURSE THE CHEMISTRY IS GOING TO CHANGE WHEN YOU'RE NOT ON A FANTASY VACATION IN FREAKIN' NEW ZEALAND!

2. I believe it is possible to love 2 people at one time. Monogamy is a choice. That's why people who aren't on TV can't get away with behaving the way the Bachelors and Bachelorettes do. (Um, even if you could stomach most of it, how about the FANTASY SUITE?)

3. Putting that many good looking people together at one time in one place is a recipe for disaster. Honestly, I think this thing with Jason was just him needing to try out all the flavors at Cold Stone before he ordered his ice cream. But, come on, even my 6-year-old can eventually make up her mind.

Whew, I feel better now.